Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to my blog. I'd like to open up by addressing the most important matter. And if you think that it is the financial mess our country is in or the major mistake we have for a President, you're slightly off the mark. The matter I'm referring to is the Islamic jihad that is taking place throughout the world and in our country right now - or to borrow Robert Spencer's term, the stealth jihad. To understand stealth jihad, you have to understand the truth about Islam so here's a crash course. Contrary to what you may have heard or been told, Islam is not a religion of peace. Islam is the most intolerant religion in the world. The word Islam, in Arabic, means submission. Islam is the only religion in the world that has a developed doctrine, theology, and law that mandates violence against non-believers. Islam is a political ideology first, and then a religion. Islam demands unquestioning obedience, promotes extreme violence and outrageous injustice, and controls every aspect of a person's life. In Islam, women are treated like livestock and the penalty for apostasy is death.

The stealth jihad is "A formal plan for targeting America...devised three years after the Iranian revolution, in 1982. The plan was summarized in a 1991 memorandum written by Mohammed Akram, an operative of the Muslim Brotherhood (the oldest terrorist organization in the world)." In this memorandum, Akram states "The process of settlement of Muslims in America, "is a Civilization-Jihadist Process." This means that members of the Muslim Brotherhood "must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's (Allah's) religion is made victorious over all other religions." So stealth jihad is a way of making a country Islamic by using the country's politics and constitution against it and by invading the country through immigration and through the wombs of Muslim women.

The majority of Muslims who have immigrated to our country have no intention of assimilating; their real intention is to eventually overthrow our government, replace our constitution with Sharia (Islamic Law), and make America a theocratic, totalitarian Islamic state.

Precisely because this is so difficult for most Americans to comprehend and because of our disastrously unhealthy obsession with political correctness, multiculturalism, and diversity, the Muslims have already been remarkably successful in their initial efforts to achieve this end.

Muslims engaged in this stealth jihad have succeeded in infiltrating our government, the media, Hollywood, our schools, colleges and universities, our law enforcement, our military, the FBI, the CIA, and many other public institutions and services (read the book "Infiltration" by Paul Sperry).

The Muslims' goal is nothing less than to eradicate all other religions and political systems and establish the dominance of Islam throughout the entire world. And, in Islam, the end justifies the means.

To learn the truth about Islam and to gain an understanding of the terrible threat it poses to our country, please read "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades".To gain a thorough understanding of stealth jihad, please "Stealth Jihad" - both of these works are by Robert Spencer. Another good source of information on this subject is http://www.jihadwatch.org/. This site contains current news articles with analysis and commentary, lots of other pertinent information and links to other reputable related sites. When you visit http://www.jihadwatch.org/, be sure to watch the very important and revealing films "Fitna" and "Islam:What the West Needs to Know", both of which can be viewed and downloaded on this site.

I was rather disappointed to see a survey recently that indicated that something like 65% of Americans still believe that Islam is a religion of peace and a tolerant one. I hope that I caught your attention with what I have written above and that you will view the films and read the books that I have mentioned - it will really open your eyes to the gravity of our situation. The American public needs to become informed, get involved and learn what they can do to defend our country, our culture, and our freedoms against Islam.